Batman Arkham City Crashes After First Cutscene
Batman enters Robin's room and finds his corpse in the bed, with Robin wearing a costume from his childhood. Robin later appears to Batman in his mind and tells him that he bullied him. Batman, in turn, tells Robin that he'll never bully another child. Robin then reflects on his own childhood, and how he would risk his life because of his respect for Batman. After Batman's story, Robin passes away.
Batman starts the game with a radioactive kryptonite ring to prevent him from dying. Green Kryptonite is known as the Love Kryptonite because it loves its matches. Black Kryptonite is toxic to earthlings. And of course, Batman did not know this at the start of the game. He believed that his ring could not kill him (although he did know that Kryptonite killed Superman). Always watchful, Batman eventually notices his deceased parents stench after he wears the Kryptonite. This kicks off Batman's quest (along with the game) to find the whereabouts of his parents (in search of love, not knowledge.)
If you're a first time user, you can't unlock all of the achievement. You have to die. Once you have reached zero health, and the game won't save your progress. Once your health is zero, the game will never be saved. So, if you screw up, you're screwed.
Robin's death triggers a flashback to his childhood. According to the game, because Bruce Wayne grew up in a single father household, Batman is not a traditional father figure. Robin’s mother left his father and remarried. This causes Robin to be severely bullied by other children, culminating in one instance where an entire class (a neighborhood) torched the house and Robin. 7211a4ac4a